Ecstasy, Joy, Bliss, Pleasure, Delight, Euphoria, Rapture, Happiness, Gaiety, Enjoy, Fun
A harmonious inner awakening is characterized by a sense of joy and mental illumination
that brings with it an insight into the meaning and purpose of life.
A person may have a euphoria-inducing experience of empathy with a chair, a painting, a
person or a shoe (or anything).
A walk in nature with its variety of sensory experiences, seems to be conducive to
positive or even ecstatic emotional states.
All pleasures are present and nothing save complete awareness of the present can even
begin to guarantee future happiness.
All sexual ecstasy has a quality of self-abandonment, of surrender to a force greater than
the ego.
An interesting dialog occurs between pure transcendence and the awareness that this
ecstatic vision is happening to oneself.
Clean water in any form seems to have a particularly powerful impact. A swim, shower
or bath can frequently dispel negative experiences and facilitate ecstatic reentry.
Compared with sex under LSD, the way you’ve been making love, no matter how ecstatic
the pleasure you think you get from it, is like making love to a department-store-dummy.
Direct perception of unity is the very heart of mystic experience, accompanied by
powerful feelings of joy.
Dominating this ecstatic state is the feeling of intense love. You are a joyful part of all
Don’t do what “they” say; do what you want to. Deprogram the stigma and experience
the joy.
During a deep ecstatic experience, the subject will accept enthusiastically just about any
piece of music.
Ecstasy is the sensation of surrendering to vibrations and sometimes to insights that take
you out of your so-called self.
Enlightenment is based on an ecstatic moment of realization which is supposed to imbue
all life thereafter with a certain grace.
Experiences of oceanic ecstasy and cosmic union seem to be deeply related to the
undifferentiated state of consciousness that an infant experiences.
For many, a sense of discontinuity between nature and man and man’s loss of the
spontaneous, free energy of eternal delight, is the essential tragedy of modern man.
How can we preserve the freshness, illuminate each second of subsequent life? How can
we maintain the ecstatic oneness with others? (This refers to when the trip is over.)
Humor is nothing other than perfect self-awareness. It is the delightful recognition of
one’s absurdity.
I will have enjoyed more living in the latter part of my life than most people ever know.
(That was actor Cary Grant.)
In every culture, the abode of the Gods and of souls in bliss is a country of surpassing
beauty, glowing with color, bathed in intense light.
In the 1960’s, more people than ever before had a glimpse of a higher, happier, more
living reality. For a moment, they really SAW.
In this state, all the sensory pathways are wide open and there is an increased sensitivity
and enjoyment of the perceptual nuances discovered in the external world.
Intense beauty and intense pleasure are always gratuitous and are revealed only to senses
that are not seeking and straining.
It is faith or loving confidence which guarantees that visionary experiences shall be
blissful. (Without that, the trip can be a bummer.)
LSD can produce dramatic changes in personality leading to unprecedented peace, sanity
and happiness.
Many individuals become intensely interested in nature and find a capacity for ecstatic
experiencing of natural beauty, frequently for the first time in their lives.
Men long ago, in ages however primeval, realized Beauty, and answered back its thrill
with gladness and hymns.
Must we continue to jail, execute, exile our ecstatic visionaries and then enshrine them as
tomorrow’s heroes?
Nothing is higher than these mysteries. They have not only shown us the way to live
joyfully, but they have taught us to die with hope.
One is joyfully aware of the 2 billion year old electric sexual dance. One is at last
divested of robot clothes and limbs and undulates in the endless chain of living forms.
One may be infused with ecstasy, peace and a deep feeling of support by the cosmic
One of the important contributions of the drug movement to religion is that it has called
the attention of religious people to the necessity of ecstasy for vital religion.
Our moral image of God is lacking in Beauty and Beauty’s handmaidens—joy, laughter
and in its sublimest sense, playfulness, a virtue which is at the very root of creative art.
Our religions, our Great Society, our culture and our civilization would be without even
the pretense to greatness without ecstasy in some form.
Painful experiences can be as personally revealing and permanently beneficial as
experiences of great joy and beauty.
Paradise refers to a state of metaphysical ecstasy, a sanctuary of eternal youth, gardens of
incredible beauty, roads paved with gold. (eyes closed)
People are already familiar with suffering. What they need is a reminder of their true
identity which is bliss.
People committed to external power are frightened by the release of ecstasy because the
key is surrender of external power.
Psychedelic drugs give me a sense of harmony and beauty. For the first time in my life, I
can take pleasure in the beauty of a leaf; I can find meaning in the processes of nature.
Reading and preparing are useful, but no words can communicate experience. You are
going to be surprised, startled and delighted.
Religious ecstasy was not discovered by the drug cults. It has been known for centuries.
(Make that millennia, not just centuries.)
Sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations all appear to be unimaginably more
intense, vivid and pleasurable.
That which delights us is the peculiar essences of things, and the intangible relation of
harmony with the essences, manifold in unity, bear to each other and ourselves.
The ability to relax physically and emotionally and enjoy ordinary things in life is greatly
The actual experience of gratitude has an uplifting and joyous quality which is
beyond all words.
The aim of all Eastern religion, like the aim of LSD, is basically to get high, that is to
expand your consciousness and find ecstasy and revelation within.
The beauty and mystery, the gaiety and exuberance which we see in nature and art exist
supremely and perfectly in God.
The ecstatic consciousness is an expansive consciousness, open to a profusion of new
sensations, new perspectives, new knowledge and new values.
The ecstatic trip can be diverted, the person’s mind ready to explain away paradise and
pull him back to the old egocentric game.
The experience of beauty is pure, self-manifested and compounded equally of joy and
The experience of paradise combines feelings of transcendental happiness and joy with
delight in exquisite natural beauty of an earthly quality.
The full harmony of all qualities capable of teaching or delighting us may flow in at once
to ravish the soul.
The healing potential of ecstatic states is of such paramount significance that it suggests
an entirely new orientation in psychiatric therapy.
The increased sensitivity and awareness enhances the pleasurable aspects of sexual
The individual discovers new ways of enjoying his or her own physiological processes
and develops more respect for life in all its infinite manifestations.
The joy of the spirit is available the moment pride is swallowed and the free gift of union
with God accepted.
The motives for the hasheesh-indulgence were of the most exalted ideal nature, for of this
nature are all its ecstasies and its revelations.
The open cortex is an ecstatic state, the nervous system operating free of learned
The ordinary modern church service is an insufferably stogy and joyless affair. (That’s
because it’s just silly lectures and has nothing to do with celebrating the union with God.)
The psychedelic experience provides ecstatic moments which dwarf any personal or
cultural game.
The psychedelics’ special effectiveness for mental illness is closely associated with their
capacity to release ecstatic religious states.
The question is not whether ecstasy is risky, but whether the expected gains outweigh the
risks. This is a matter which each individual must decide for himself.
The religious experience is the ecstatic certain discovery of answers to spiritual
The retracing of genetic memories back through the myriad, multi-webbed fabric of
RNA-DNA memories will be the major intellectual-ecstatic task of the future.
The sixties represented a lot of good things—an incredible burst of creativity, of joy and
trust, a lot of decency.
The state of consciousness of the Self-realized individual is characterized by joy,
serenity, inner security, a sense of calm power, clear understanding and radiant love.
The ultimate pleasure organ is the brain, an enormous 30 billion-cell hedonic gland
waiting to be activated.
The use of LSD is a ready way of stirring deeply buried sources of the religious life and
perceptions, which create feelings of awe, joy, wonder, peace and love.
“The view of that world” says Plato, “is a vision of blessed beholders” for to see things
“as they are in themselves” is bliss unalloyed and inexpressible.
The visionary revelation answers the escape question. There is no death. Ecstatic,
mirthful relief.
The wise person devotes his life to the religious search, for therein is found the only
ecstasy, the only meaning.
There are billions of cellular processes in your body, each with its universe of experience,
an endless variety of ecstasies.
There is a fathomless meaning, an intensity of delight in all our surroundings, which our
eyes must be unsealed to see.
There is no doubt that chemical ecstasy, like any other kind, tends to generate
There is nothing that the more traditional churches fear so much as ecstatic religious
These drugs produce ecstatic states from which new learning, a shift in values, or
subsequent behavior change purportedly ensue.
Through the Greek Mysteries, men became gods and celebrated their divinity in the
ecstatic light-space geometries of the great temples.
Upon the certainty of this union with God depends the entire joy, power and world-
transforming character of the mystical experience.
We can go further than the religious sphere and see the need for ecstasy in all of life. This
is the solid core of truth in the message of the hippies.
We have lost the art of playing with our life, the joy has gone out of it. Existence has
become an affair of deadly serious.
We were seeking a clearer, purer realm. A realm of unbounded joy. The realm of
enlightenment. The pure land. Buddhahood.
When a voyager is clearly in a profound ego-transcendent ecstasy, the wise guide will
remain silent.
While it can give an ecstatic experience, at the same time, it lends an extraordinary
intensity of attention.
You can link that cosmic brain and pleasure-seeking body with another or others
similarly inclined.
You can no more do research on LSD and leave out sexual ecstasy than you can do
microscopic research on tissue and leave out cells.
Artistic and literary folks respond ecstatically and wisely to drug experience. They tell us
this is what they have been looking for: new, intense, direct confrontation with the world
about them.
As soon as we can break the conservative chains around our hearts and conquer our fears,
the freedom and joy will begin again. Like Adam and Eve, we will be lovers in an earthly
paradise again.
As the sexual activity continues and the drug takes greater hold on you, the sensations
intensify. The penis feels bigger, stiffer and strangely “rubbery.” Sensations of pleasure
expand to more areas of the body than usual.
Before taking LSD, I never stayed in a state of sexual ecstasy for hours on end, but I have
done this under LSD. It heightens all of your senses and it means that you’re living the
sexual experience totally. Each caress or kiss is timeless.
Blissfully accept the wonders of your own creativity. (The visions you get are your
creation even if you don’t know how you did it or what it means. Potentially, we all have
limitless creativity. Ego blocks us off from our creativity just as it robs us of our lives.)
Ecstatic and unitive feelings of belonging, infuse the individual with strength, zest, and
optimism, and enhance self-esteem. They cleanse the senses and open them for the
perception of the extraordinary richness, beauty, and mystery of existence.
Encounters with the divine regions are extremely healing. Reaching them, one often
feels positive emotions such as ecstasy, rapture, joy, gratitude, love, and bliss, which can
quickly relieve or dissolve negative states such as depression and anger.
Every person who has a genuine mystical experience reports that he sees the unity, reality
and infinity in space and time of all creation. He feels joy, peace and a sense of the
sacred. He knows that his experience is true.
I can gain insight into the nature of consciousness or experience, the meaning and
essence of being and the experience of harmony, the mystery of life, communion and
sharing, the delight of ecstasy. (Anyone can gain that insight. LSD is the best way.)
I’m eternally grateful for this experience. LSD changed my life. I’ve lived more, felt
more, enjoyed life more in the last dew years than I had dreamed possible. LSD gave me
that treasure. (That was actor Cary Grant.)
If you get with yourself, get with gravity, get with energy, following its line of least
resistance, you will discover that all the vibrations of nature are ecstatic, erotic or blissful.
Existence is orgasm.
It is an ecstatic experience of Nature and Process which leaves the subject with a sense of
having acquired important insight into, as well as identity with, the fundamental nature
and structure of the universe.
It is an ecstatic state, characterized by the loss of boundaries between the subject and the
objective world, with ensuing feelings of unity with other people, nature, the entire
Universe, and God.
It seems likely that any religious use of the drugs will have to be carried on in cults,
outside traditional institutions. This is a pity, for it deprives the churches of a powerful
influx of ecstatic energy—the very element of which they are in shortest supply.
Millions already know that beyond the fears of the state-sanctioned psychiatry and
governmental policy, under the right set and setting psychedelics can lead to joy,
mystery, rebirth and realization beyond belief.
Mysticism may be the ultimate source of ethics, morality and the life of righteousness,
mystical and ecstatic religious experience the sources of astonishing vitality and
efficiency in the pursuit of good works.
Observations from LSD research clearly indicate that in various states of mind, the bliss
of paradise, and ecstatic raptures of salvation can be experienced with a degree of
vividness and a sense of reality that surpass our everyday perceptions.
One transcends the ordinary distinction between subject and object and experiences a
state of ecstatic union with humanity, nature, the cosmos, and God. This is associated
with feelings of joy, bliss, serenity, and peace.
People who have had such experiences usually agree that deep within each of us lie
goodness unimagined, wisdom, music, talents of every variety, joy, peace, humility, love
and spirituality, to mention only a few.
Plants seem to represent pure being in the here and now, the ideal of many mystical and
religious schools. Not exploiting and hurting other organisms, most plants serve
themselves as a source of food and bring beauty and joy into the life of others.
Pleasure, like mystical insight itself, must always come unsought. Pleasure cannot be
given unless the senses are in a state of accepting rather than taking. Pleasure as
ordinarily pursued is never a true fulfillment.
Psychedelic drugs produces reactions which are not conventional. Ecstatic behaviors are
not conventional and “normal” and it follows that they must be abnormal, psychotic,
Psychedelic equals mind-opening consciousness. Psychedelic means ecstatic which is to
stand outside our normal patterns. It means going out of your mind, your habitual world
of contingencies, space-time coordinates.
Psychiatry has “put-down” words for every human emotion, as “euphoric” for happy,
“fixated” for interested and “compulsive” for determined. (Will psychiatrists ever widen
their scope?)
Raptures about “transcendental experiences” often focus on the visual splendors and lofty
insights into the meaning of existence and the universe and the increase in aesthetic
Religion to us is ecstasy. It is freedom and harmony. Kids should not let the fake,
television-prop religion they were taught as kids turn them off. The real trip is the God
Suddenly, the familiar view of our surroundings is transformed in a strange, delightful,
way: it appears to us in a new light, takes on a special meaning. Such an experience can
be as light and fleeting as a breath of air, or it can imprint itself deeply upon our minds.
That Plato had some kind of profound ecstatic experience is indicated by the famous
Parable of the Cave, found in the Seventh Book of the Republic. Ingesters of LSD have
had no trouble in recognizing and understanding the metaphysical dimensions.
The grasping approach to sexuality destroys its gaiety before anything else, blocking up
its deepest and most secret fountain. For there is no other reason for creation than pure
The mind must be prepared and the conditions right for a profound mystical or religious
experience to occur. And even then, the drug user may go through a descent into torment
and even a seeming death agony before attaining joyous unity and rebirth.
The opening of the channel between the conscious and the superconscious levels,
between the “I” and the Self, and the flood of light, energy and joy which follows, often
produces a wonderful release.
The psychedelic drug doesn’t mean doctor-disease, dope fiend-crime or instant insanity
but ecstasy, sensual unfolding, religious experience, revelation, illumination, contact with
The psychiatrist asserts it is “fact” that the subject sat in a catatonic state for two hours,
refusing to talk; the subject knows the “truth” to be that he was spinning far out of space-
time into an ecstatic dance of neurons which made words inadequate and irrelevant.
The purpose of the whole experience is for the person to learn to experience himself and
the things about him with fulfillment and joy. Having a good time and experiencing
beauty is therapeutic.
The veil which made you see duality drops away and you experience the world as a
blissful sport of God’s energy. You see the universe as supremely blissful light,
undifferentiated from yourself and you remain unshakable in this awareness.
There is no non-ecstatic religious experience. (Yes, all religious experiences are ecstatic
or it’s not a religious experience. There is no such thing as a religious experience without
ecstasy. One can’t play baseball without the ball.)
There is probably not one major rock group that has not been influenced, directly or
indirectly, by LSD and paid homage to the ecstatic experience in one or more of their
songs. (That was written in 1968.)
This euphoric feeling includes elements of profound peace and steadfastness, surging like
a spring from a depth of my being which has rarely, if ever, been tapped prior to the drug
This period of my life coincided with what seemed to be a time of new hope for
humankind. The flower children in San Francisco were happily rebelling against the old
order, and a better future seemed within reach. A sense of euphoria was in the air.
Those aspects of the psychedelic experience which subjects report to be ineffable and
ecstatically religious involve a direct awareness of the energy processes which scientists
Transformative experiences associated with positive emotions, such as feelings of
oneness with humanity and nature, states of cosmic unity, encounters with blissful
deities, and union with God, have a special role in the healing and transformative process.
Users often find that they can become absorbed, with a childlike intensity, in nearly
anything and that it will seem fresh, interesting, and highly pleasurable—even if it is
something they have done many times.
We need no longer be estranged from reality and from ourselves. The Eden story can now
come to its inevitable and happy conclusion; the flaming sword has been extinguished
and we are free at last to re-enter the garden.
We want a passionate life lived in a state of ecstasy, a life of intensity and deep emotions.
An existential life in which every moment counts. A real life. But we’re not allowed to
have that. Because if we did…we would be free.
What’s interesting is this intense violent reaction against things that seem purely oriented
toward freedom, pleasure, joy, and imagination, that somehow if a great many people
pursue these things they must be kept in check.
Words such as joy, ecstasy, grace, beauty, just don’t exist in the psychiatric vocabulary.
The poor psychiatrist has been given the sad task of looking for pathology and is usually
bewildered when he comes face-to-face with the more meaningful experiences of life.
Academic psychology is concerned with conditioning humans to accept what Freud
called the “reality principle,” implying that only the artificial, conditioned games of the
current social order are real; that natural pleasure is somehow a hallucination, even a
psychotic outburst.
Adventurous painters and musicians discovered that LSD was a catalyst, an impulse to
startling new rearrangements of vision, to a bubbling, ecstatic, seemingly inexhaustible
pool of images and ideas, to a new-old kind of harmony between the artist and the
As prime conditioner of his fellow man, the psychologist or educator must be an
exemplar—calm, serious, controlled, sensibly cynical, smugly pessimistic and above all,
rational. To study the unconditioned state, to produce pleasure in his subjects and to act
in a natural, hedonic manner would lead to his excommunication.
In our minds we possess a far greater wealth than we have ever conceived. Such a
discovery may do much for us in every way, making material ends seem less valuable to
us as ultimate aims, and encouraging us to live well for the sake of a spirit which
possesses fathomless capacities for happiness no less than knowledge.
Many leading humanistic psychologists exhibited a growing interest in a variety of
previously neglected areas and topics of psychology, such as mystical experiences,
transcendence, ecstasy, cosmic consciousness, theory and practice of meditation, or
interindividual and interspecies synergy.
One traumatic event can shape a life, one therapeutic event can reshape it. Psychedelic
therapy has an analogue in Abraham Maslow’s idea of the peak experience. The drug
taker feels that the self is part of a much larger pattern, and the sense of cleansing,
release, and joy makes old woes seem trivial.
The entire range of pleasurable experiences has gone unstudied, unlabeled, undefined.
You will not find the word “fun” in the index of most psychology texts. Indeed, until the
psychedelic movement, unconditioned behavior and unconditioned experience were
considered ipso facto schizophrenic.
The formless, dimensionless and intangible cosmic consciousness can best be described
as Infinite Existence, Infinite Awareness and Knowledge, and Infinite Bliss. However,
any words refer primarily to phenomena and processes of the natural reality and are,
therefore, only pitiful attempts to convey the essence of this transcendental principle.
The height of sexual love, coming upon us of itself, is one of the most total experiences
of relationship to the other of which we are capable, but prejudice and insensitivity have
prevented us from seeing that in any other circumstances such delight would be called
mystical ecstasy.
The individual in this state becomes deeply aware of his or her unity with other people,
nature and the entire universe and with the ultimate creative principle or God. This is
accompanied by an overwhelming positive affect that can range from peace, serenity and
bliss to an ecstatic rapture.
The notion that the universe is gyrating stupidly in which man is doomed to frustration,
this reductionist, nothing-but-ist view with its muscular claims to realism and facing-
factuality is at root a resentment against quality, genius, imagination, poetry, fantasy,
inventiveness and gaiety. It is as superstitious as flat-earthism.
Weren’t the sixties, in retrospect, a decade of romance, splendor, optimism, idealism,
individual courage, high aspirations, aesthetic innovation, spiritual wonder, exploration,
and search? Weren’t we happier about each other and more optimistic when the high
times were rolling? (That was Timothy Leary.)
Willingness to be insecure is the ultimate security. Willingness to suffer is the essence of
divine joy. Willingness to be finite is to know one’s own infinity. Willingness to be a
slave is to be truly free. Willingness to be a fool and a sinner is to be both a sage and a
If a man believes that he is happy and hilarious and grooving on everything around him,
the only sane description of his state is to say he’s euphoric, not to say that he imagines
he is euphoric. What the skeptic really seems to be claiming is that he knows what the
subject feels better than the subject knows—i.e., that the subject doesn’t feel what he
feels but feels something else.
Individuals feel that they have left the past behind and that they are capable of starting an
entirely new chapter of their lives. Exhilarating feelings of freedom from anxiety,
depression and guilt are associated with deep physical relaxation and a sense of perfect
functioning of all physiological processes. Life appears simple and exciting and the
individual has the feeling of unusual sensory richness and intense joy.
Let’s come on as psychologists and develop a research project that aims at producing the
ecstatic moment. Develop a science of ecstatics. Train graduate students to illuminate
themselves and others. We have statisticians who systemize the static—how about
estatisticians who systemize the ecstatic? (That was Timothy Leary talking to an
associate at Harvard.)
Loss of self may be experienced as an actual death and rebirth, undergone with anguish
and joy of overwhelming intensity. In some cases, the culmination is a mystical ecstasy in
which for an eternal moment all contradictions seem reconciled, all questions answered,
all wants irrelevant or satisfied, all existence encompassed by an experience that is felt to
define the ultimate reality, boundless, timeless, and ineffable.
Previously almost-depressed individuals typically emerge from a successfully integrated
LSD session with elevated mood, joyful appreciation of existence, enhanced self-esteem
and self-acceptance and greater capacity for meaningful human relation-ships. Their
inner life is enriched, they are more open and they show an increased appreciation of
beauty in nature and art.
Previously, I had forgotten the childish joy of simply being alive. Tripping makes you
feel the way an infant must feel, in the absence of discomfort, simply being: energetic,
open, interested. Tripping lent to my life the grace of fairy tales, where everything is
right and appropriate and satisfying. Psychedelic drugs engender storybook experiences:
one is tremendously cozy, delighted, enchanted, lucky.
The effect of ecstasy is to create motivation, the longing to continue the ecstasy and
fulfill it. Critics of the drug cults complain that they retreat from life’s realities, become
passive and inert. Actually, it is not so much this aspect of the psychedelic scene but its
precise opposite to which they object. It is not the reading of Thoreau; it is the taking
him seriously to which society objects.
The formless, dimensionless and intangible principle that an individual can perceive as
the Universal Mind is characterized by infinite existence, infinite awareness and
knowledge and infinite bliss. Any descriptions and definitions, however, necessarily use
words that we associate with the phenomena of the three-dimensional world; they are
therefore incapable of conveying the essence of this ultimate transcendental principle.
The global popularity of chemical mind-changers is due to their producing ecstasy,
perception change, fresh sensation. Ecstasy means to break out of the verbal prisons,
suspend your imprints, see things anew, perceive directly. With freshened perception
goes the feeling of liberation, insight, the exultant sense of having escaped the lifeless net
of symbols.
The makers of our Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to the pursuit of
happiness. They recognized the significance of man’s spiritual nature, of his feelings, and
of his intellect. They knew that only a part of the pain, pleasure and satisfaction of life are
to be found in material things. They sought to protect Americans in their beliefs, their
thoughts, their emotions and their sensations.
The most human thing about man is his eternal, childlike hope that somehow, someday,
the deepest yearnings of his heart will come true. Who is so proud and unfeeling that he
will not admit that he would be deliriously happy if, by some strange magic, these deep
and ingrained longings could be fulfilled? If there was eternal everlasting life beyond
death after all?
To interpret the visionary experience laymen use the language of ecstasy and
psychiatrists use the language which is familiar and natural to them, the dialog of
diagnosis. Now the curious thing about psychiatric language is that it’s almost completely
negative, a pompous, gloomy lexicon of troubles, symptoms, abnormalities,
Up this gradual stairway of Sense, Understanding, Intuition, we mount to that height from
which we are able to behold, with some degree of calmness, the infinite fields of intuitive
Beauty and Truth, when the screen of the bodily is removed, and the scope of vision
belonging to our highest faculty is realized to be immeasurably beyond all that our most
rapturous visions ever conceived it.
We may feel that we are really seeing the world for the first time in our lives. Everything
around us, even the most ordinary and familiar scenes, seems unusually exciting and
stimulating. People report entirely new ways of appreciating and enjoying their loved
ones, the sound of music, the beauties of nature and the endless pleasures that the world
provides for our senses.
We were not to be limited by the pathological point of view. We were not to interpret
ecstasy as mania, or calm serenity as catatonia; we were not to diagnose Buddha as a
detached schizoid; not Christ as a exhibitionist masochist; nor the mystic experience as a
symptom; nor the visionary state as a model psychosis. (That was Timothy Leary and
Aldous Huxley agreeing.)
When we set out to study consciousness and such elusive altered states as ecstasy, there is
the observer’s “subject matter” and there is the subject’s “reality” and usually these have
no relation. The psychiatrist may see psychosis, while the subject may be experiencing
hedonic ecstasy. The outside observer has an entirely different view from the
experiencing person. (The psychiatrist must be experienced with LSD or it’s a joke.)
The thing that most aroused my interest was the tone and contents of what my classmates
who had taken the drug were saying. They talked to each other in stunned, excited voices
about love, sharing, identity, unity, death, ecstasy—topics not generally discussed by
psychology students except with cynical flippancy or heavy academic seriousness—but
certainly never from experienced confrontation, as was happening now. (That was Ralph
A cosmos that wasn’t joy and bliss would have committed suicide.
A great sense of freedom and joy arises.
A religion that doesn’t produce the ecstatic high becomes secular.
A tunnel of joy and understanding has been driven through chaos.
At last you know what the ineffable is and what ecstasy means. Ecstasy!
At peak experience, our being is filled with love, radiance, joy and ecstasy.
Blissful divinity accompanies the ecstatic experience.
Each moment can be a joyful discovery.
Drugs open up glorious and pleasurable chambers in the mind.
Duality seemed to merge into bliss.
Ecstasy is a legitimate human need.
Ecstasy is something higher or further out than ordinary pleasure, beyond pleasure.
Ecstatic freedom of consciousness is the keynote of this vision.
Energy itself is eternal delight.
Flowers call to mind a world of innocence, transparency, light and joy.
I shall wake up and recollect the infinite joy.
If I could perpetuate this state I should have found upon this earth the joys of heaven.
Illusory egos alone bar us from the ecstatic bliss of universal consciousness.
Individuals frequently encounter ecstatic or divine domains within themselves.
Individuals sometimes spend hours in overwhelming sexual ecstasy.
Infinite joy or perpetual bliss is reached.
It gives great pleasure of a very sensual type.
It will be a joy inexpressible.
Joy is felt and unstinted loving-kindness.
Joy may be exuberant or quiet.
Love-ins were not to protest but to manifest joy.
LSD gave a sense of bliss and oneness with life.
Maybe, at last, we’ll swim in the ocean of relativity as joyously as dolphins in the water.
Music can develop into a euphoric experience.
Music frequently becomes an absorbing delight, even to the nonmusical.
One experiences the bliss of Consciousness.
One is full of a sense of joyous well-being.
One moment of clock time can be an eternity of ecstasy.
Remember, man’s natural state is ecstatic wonder, ecstatic intuition. Don’t settle for less.
The ecstatic and unitive states represent the very essence of true healing.
The essence of ecstasy, religion and orgasm is that you give up power and swing with it.
The gleam of the divine ravishes me.
The heart of God is absolutely, divine joy, colossal gaiety.
The life of worship and meditation is not the getting but the enjoyment of union.
The LSD ecstasy is the joyful discovery that ego is only a fraction of my identity.
The mystic experience can be ecstatic, profound, therapeutic.
The natural state of man is ecstatic wonder. We should not settle for less.
The physical pleasure is just immense.
The rational mind is anti-ecstasy.
The Self finds itself in its original unity and bliss.
The sense of cleansing, release and joy makes old woes seem trivial.
The state of mind is a delightful calm of complete significance.
There are no books written by scientists about ecstasy and cosmic orgasms.
There are other realities more conducive to ecstasy, happiness and wisdom.
There can be this joy which comes from our ability to open ourselves to the truth.
There is no such thing as a saint without joy. One cannot have true holiness without joy.
This is the ultimate luxury, the flawless wisdom-pleasure hit.
To be more evolved is to know more joy, not less.
To live means to be aware, joyously, serenely, divinely aware.
When we discovered euphoria—rediscovered euphoria—I thought it was here to stay.
When young, we let our consciousness expand with joy.
With ecstasy, the whole soul drank in revelations.
Your enjoyment of the world is never right until every morning, you awake in heaven.
I have finally come to myself and I have another body, a body of bliss, a pure body of
light and energy.
I’m high! I’m alive and it’s great to be alive and I’m happy and it’s great to be happy and
I’m high and it’s great to be high, and it’s great to be alive and happy and high!
The individual has become relaxed, has begun to enjoy the increased sense perceptions
and has become fascinated with the world of awareness that is beginning to open to him.
The deep and profound experiences released by the LSD then flow uninterrupted in an
ever widening scope.
“This is the way I was born” Jane said once, giggling. “This is the way we were all born,
the way the puppies and kittens are born, absolutely at home in this world and delighted
with it. I haven’t felt like this since I was about 3 years old. God, how our society
destroys us…”
He has been blissfully united with the ground of the universe.
I hope that some of the joy which I have felt in just existing can stay with me.
I’m so happy. This is utopia. It’s heaven.
I’ve been turned on to life and have never been so happy.
This is truly a wonderful world of infinitely variable colors, forms, music.
We laugh in joy and amazement.
What a timeless bliss!
A delicious warmth suffused my whole body. Hot and blissful, I float through the
An endless variety of ecstatic experience spiraled out around me. I had taken the God-
At these moments of ecstatic clarity, there was such a peace and rest and at the same
time, such exuberance and wildest joy.
Because I was part of God, I was joyous to be nothing but dust. (With LSD, dust is
divine, like anything else.)
Everything looked so good. I could just look at the sea and feel it on my skin and in my
bones. Touching it was ecstasy. Sensations were exquisite.
For the first time, the word ecstasy took on real meaning. For the first time, it did not
mean someone else’s state of mind.
“God is love” was no mere Biblical quotation but an overwhelmingly intense burning
into every nerve of my body. The wonder of it caused me to soar with joy.
He experienced a déjà vu of divine joy and understanding, as though stumbling upon a
golden trove of submerged knowledge.
He felt light, ecstatic, reborn and pulsing with exuberant life energy. His senses felt
cleansed and wide open.
His features showed an unusual mixture of infantile bliss and mystical rapture. (This
“infantile bliss” is positive and mature.)
I belonged within peace and unity and wild joy, within something greater than my own
life or the Life of Man, to Life itself! To God, if you want to put it that way.
I broke into a full joyous laughter at the mystery and the beauty of it all. How little we
know about the soul’s journey.
I didn’t know there could be such joy and freedom in rhythm and movement (or such joy
and freedom in general).
I felt a great, inexplicable joy, so powerful that I could not restrain it, a fit of mysterious
and overwhelming delight.
I felt flooded with lights and indescribable joy and connected in a new way to the world
and the flow of life.
I felt waves of joy and an overpowering conviction that “all shall be well and all manner
of thing shall be well.”
I had no questions. I was too happy, too relaxed, too joyous to have questions of any
I had the notion that “this is it,” “this is the moment of truth,” “I know that everything
leads to this,” “this is complete harmony and ecstasy.”
I realized the many wonderful emotions I had experienced were so rare in the lives of
most people and gratitude that such ecstasy had been mine.
I saw for the first time how wildly beautiful and joyous, beyond any words of mine to
describe, is the whole of life.
I sensed the presence of something that I could not name, but it filled me with joy and
I shouted for joy, I praised God with my whole heart. Everything looked new to me, the
people, the fields, the cattle, the trees. I was like a new man in a new world.
I stepped forth into some strange land which can only be grasped in terms of
astonishment and mystery, an ecstatic nirvana.
I thought that I was near death; when suddenly, my soul became aware of God, in an
intense present reality. I felt him. I cannot describe the ecstasy I felt.
I wanted to shout and sing of the miraculous new life and sense and form of the joyous
beauty and the whole mad ecstasy of lovliness.
I was aware of a gentle, deep connection with a new spirituality, an unfamiliar source
inside one that was expansive, joyful and peaceful.
I was carried away by this Light to an Ecstasy beyond ecstasy and suddenly I was no
longer I, but a part of the Divine Workings.
I was dead and yet I was never more joyously alive; thus I knew that after death, the soul
is more alive than we can ever be while living (without LSD).
I was having the best time of my life. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a feeling of joy
that great.
I was overjoyed—filed with wonder and delight. I knew the reasons behind existence,
time, space, goodness, pain—and I rejoiced.
It was a day of drenching happiness, a great-day-in-the-morning kind of day, a day of
good cheer, one of extraordinary cosmic blessedness.
It was a fantastically joyous occasion. The magic of love filled the room, and we have
never known such joy.
It was the very essence of the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness guaranteed by the
Bill of Rights. (Tell that to the crooked, moronic politicians.)
It was the work of an unearthly builder and my soul stood before it in a trance of ecstasy
(a temple seen with the eyes closed).
My body was both swimming and flying. I felt gay and at ease and playful. There was
perfect connection between my body and everything that was happening.
My gratitude for the moment when the veil parted and I knew that “I” am so much more
than I thought was so immense that I often discovered myself sobbing with joy.
My heart was filled with joy that was overwhelming, just a beauty and peace that I have
never known.
My life suddenly seemed to me infinitely precious and I cried out with joy at the thought
that I was now living so much in so short a span of time.
My pelvis was vibrating as enormous amounts of energy were being released in ecstatic
My spirit cried out, or seemed to cry out, “Let me tell everyone this wonderful thing I
know, this secret that explains everything and will bring such rejoicing and happiness!”
Never have colors had the glowing, fascinating, delighting intensity that they had for me
at the time.
No saint ever saw more glorious and joyously beautiful visions or experienced a more
blissful state of transcendence.
Peace and joy engulfed me and I knew that the kingdom of heaven was truly within and
that LSD had made this day the most important one in my life.
The delight and pleasure I received from that orange, the sheer sensuality of it, was
absolutely overwhelming, and intoxicating and…joyous!
The feeling was: I was home. That’s really the feeling of it…It was a bliss state. Of a
kind I never experienced before.
The green trees transported and ravished me, their sweetness and unusual beauty made
my heart leap, almost mad with ecstasy.
The only way I could describe this state of ultimate cosmic ecstasy was to refer to it as
“diamond consciousness.”
The outside appeared clear, serene and beautiful. I saw things I have never seen on the
road. The trees, grass, colors, sky—all were a real delight to behold.
The sum total of all these emotions, feelings of ecstasy, aliveness, reverence and love,
seemed to blend into the music.
There came upon me a sense of exultation, of immense joyousness accompanied or
immediately followed by an intellectual illumination impossible to describe.
There was an overwhelming and continuous, vibrating, sensuous, erotic-orgasmic feeling
and expression of ecstasy.
There was awareness of unutterable bliss coupled with the conviction that this was the
only real and eternal state of being.
They enjoyed the feelings of supreme happiness and well-being that explain the age-old
power these “sacred mushrooms” exercise.
Waves of ineffable happiness flowed through my body. I had experienced the grace of
We danced in the golden light of space, seemingly into eternity, in a state of bliss
understood only by those who have experienced euphoria.
As I wept with joy, feelings of love became so intense that I knew they could only be of
divine origin and that this feeling was actually God residing within myself and in all
other persons.
Every human being moving across that porch, every sparrow that flew, every branch
tossing in the wind, was caught in and was part of the whole mad ecstasy of lovliness, of
joy, of importance, of intoxication of life.
He fell into an inward ecstasy and it seemed to him as if he could now look into the
principles and deepest foundation of things. He gazed into the very heart of things and
nature harmonized with what he had inwardly seen.
His emotional state was one of “tranquility, a quiet kind of happiness and a security
coming from the knowledge of having accomplished something enormously worthwhile,
of having made some very great advances.”
I could feel each muscle in my shoulders and legs swelling, pulsing with power, feel the
hair growing on my limbs, the unspeakable delight of movement, fiber excitement, fierce
ecstatic mammalian memories, delightful tissue recollections.
I felt within me the same glorious rhythm I had experienced all day. Now I knew this
joyous rhythm to be no less than the rhythm of the universe itself. I knew that at last I
was beginning to find God.
I had not realized before to what extent such feelings as rapture, ecstasy and euphoria or
awe, devotion, reverence and holiness or any other positive emotion could reach, its
I learned a different way to be. I learned what awe, delight, blessedness, and serenity
were, and recognized them as more than platitudes. I felt as if the good news was being
whispered to me. I was in on a big secret. I was beginning to see what it was all about.
I was no longer as I knew myself to be, a small point of awareness confined in a body,
but instead was a vast circle of consciousness in which the body was but a point, bathed
in light and in a state of exultation and happiness impossible to describe.
It seemed to me that the feelings of joy, rhythm, appreciation of music and the many
other emotions I had experienced were all part of an intrinsic spiritual power which
pervades the universe, each of them different aspects of God.
My own personal drama was no more significant than light playing on a movie screen.
Even feelings of joy, ecstasy, and liberation in letting go of attachments were less
important than the insight and sense of knowing, or remembering, inexpressible truth.
Suddenly, without warning, I felt that I was in heaven—an inward state of peace and joy
and assurance indescribably intense, accompanied with a sense of being bathed in a warm
glow of light.
The culminating experience was one of transcendental peace, with visions of supernatural
beauty and the sound of celestial music…Ecstatic feelings of timelessness,
weightlessness serenity and tranquility.
The following day, he was in the calmest, most joyful and most balanced emotional
condition he had experienced in his entire life. After the session, his psychotic symptoms
never reappeared.
There was something different in their tone of voice—a new quality of intensity and
feeling. They were talking of ecstasy, love, and sharing in a way that was vivid and
personal to them.
They discovered within themselves that universal river of ecstasy from which flowed the
energy, power and refreshment to revive religious bodies tired out by too much
intellectualism, moralism and institutionalism.
Everything was beautiful. Everything was right. Each smallest thing was uniquely
important, yet fitted perfectly into the whole. My little ego seemed removed and I felt I
saw clearly and purely for the first time in my life. I wept with relief and joy. I felt
unworthy of such blessedness.
He had an experience of overwhelming cosmic ecstasy; the universe seemed to be
illuminated by radiant light emanating from an unidentifiable supernatural source. The
entire world was filled with serenity, love and peace; the atmosphere was that of
“absolute victory, final liberation and freedom in the soul.”
I became conscious in myself of eternal life…I saw that all men are immortal: that the
cosmic order is such that all things work together for the good of each and all; that the
foundation principle of the world…is what we call love and that the happiness of each
and all is in the long run absolutely certain.
I cannot recall whether the revelation came suddenly or gradually; I only remember
finding myself in the very midst of those wonderful moments, beholding life for the first
time in all its young intoxication of loveliness, in its unspeakable joy, beauty and
I cannot say exactly what the mysterious change was. I saw no new thing, but I saw all
the usual things in a miraculous new light, in what I believe is their true light. I saw for
the first time how wildly beautiful and joyous, beyond any words of mine to describe, is
the whole of life.
I experienced a thunderbolt of ecstasy and my body dissolved into the flow of matter or
energy of which the universe is made. I was swept into the core of existence from which
all things arise and into which all things converge. Here there is no distinction between
subject and object, space and time, or anything else….
I felt entirely in harmony with myself and the whole world… for a few seconds of such
bliss one would gladly give up ten years of one’s life, if not one’s whole life. (One who
has not taken LSD will find that hard to believe. One who has taken LSD and cannot
relate to that did not have the real LSD experience.)
I gave way to delight, as mystics have for centuries when they peeked through the
curtains and discovered that this world, so manifestly real, was actually a tiny stage set
constructed by the mind. There was a sea of possibilities out there (in there?), other
realities, an infinite array of programs for other futures.
I was experiencing an ever-increasing state of ecstasy. This was accompanied by a
clearing and brightening of my perceptual field. It was as if multiple layers of thick, dirty
cobwebs were being magically torn and dissolved, or a poor-quality movie projection or
television broadcast were being focused and rectified by an invisible cosmic technician.
In sheer delight, I began to dance on this enchanted carpet (really a lawn) and through the
thin soles of my moccasins I could feel the ground becoming alive under my feet,
connecting me with the earth and the trees and the sky in such a way that I seemed to
become one body with my whole surroundings.
It seemed as though the refreshing breath of some kind goddess of wisdom were being
gently blown against the surface of my brain…So delicate, so crisp and exhilarating was it
that words fail me in my attempt to describe it. Few, if any, experiences can be more
delightful…For me, this experience was liberation.
There was unity and life and the exquisite love that filled my being was unbounded. My
awareness was acute and complete. I saw God and all the saints and I knew the truth. I
felt myself flowing into the cosmos, levitated beyond all restraint, liberated to swim in
the blissful radiance of the heavenly visions.
“This is an experience of life itself, of existence,” I fairly shouted with unintelligible joy
at my state. It was one of exultation, wonder and awe, amazement over Being. I laughed
until tears came to my eyes. “This is fantastic! Beyond words!” That it was—and is—and
ever shall be.
A most beautiful sunset was dying in the west, the river was tinged by it, the very zenith
clouds were bathed in it, and the world beneath seemed floating in a dream of rosy
tranquility. My awakened perceptions drank in this beauty until all sense of fear was
banished, and every vein ran flooded with the very wine of delight. Mystery enwrapped
me still, but it was the mystery of one who walks in Paradise for the first time.
All at once, everything appeared in an uncommonly clear light. Was this something I had
simply failed to notice before? Was I suddenly discovering the spring forest as it actually
looked? It shone with the most beautiful radiance, speaking to the heart, as though it
wanted to encompass me in its majesty. I was filled with an indescribable sensation of
joy, oneness, and blissful security.
All of a sudden I found myself in a completely new and magical world. The little green
strands of the shag rug were undulating in a most delightful way. The lights reflecting off
the glass coffee table top sparkled with a kind of moist luminescence. The furniture, the
walls, the floor, were all pulsing and undulating in slow waves as if the whole room was
breathing. The rate of the waving motion seemed to be coordinated with my breathing.
At the end of the record, I felt that I had been on a long journey and that I had come to
my destination. My guides came to me and welcomed me into this “brave new world.” I
felt that I had reached the psychedelic shore and enjoyed the wonderful things around me.
I felt joyous and deeply related to everything, as if I were part of a whole. It was a sense
of total relatedness and involvement, bringing with it a sense of joy, peace and wonder.
Every plant became a kind of musical utterance, a play of variations on a theme repeated
from the main branches, through the stalks and twigs, to the leaves, the veins in the
leaves and to the fine capillary network between the veins. Each new bursting of growth
from a center repeated or amplified the basic design with increasing complexity and
delight, finally exulting in a flower.
I experienced a wave of extraordinary bliss, like a full-body orgasm, and the sense I was
in the presence of something absolutely awesome. Sex is nothing compared to the ecstasy
I felt at that moment. I had no awareness of my body or ego or time, only a profound
sensation of illumination and the feeling I was in the presence of ALL That Is, eternity,
God, whatever you might call something all-encompassing.
I remember being particularly struck by the joy of hearing music as I never had heard it
before. I could laugh at my old self-image, which included “not being musical”. I was
deeply moved by each piece of music that was played. As I listened without distraction,
each one evoked a different aspect of my psyche, and at the center of each was the perfect
still point of pure being where one could experience union with God.
It was all perfectly new again, mysterious and of great promise. Everything that had once
been could be revived and much that was new besides. It seemed ages since the day and
the world had looked so beautiful, innocent and undismayed. The joy of freedom and
independence flowed through his veins like a strong potion and he recalled how long it
was since he had felt this precious sensation, lovely and enchanting.
My soul, I learned, is most “into” joy and beauty, i.e., experiences of joy and beauty most
occupied me on acid. Joy and beauty do not dominate my awareness in general—and
never with a comparable intensity—so I treasure these experiences on the grounds of
their rarity alone. They were also profoundly educational. I think I understand the human
race a little better
The feelings I experienced could be best described as cosmic tenderness, infinite love,
penetrating peace, eternal blessing and unconditional acceptance on the one hand and on
the other as unspeakable awe, overflowing joy, primeval humility, inexpressible gratitude
and boundless devotion. Yet all of these words are hopelessly inadequate and can do little
more than meekly point toward the genuine, inexpressible feelings actually experienced.
The night was all joyous discoveries, many of which brought me almost to the point of
tears, to laughter and astonished wows regularly. Whole new horizons. I felt humbled and
honored to be in a room with and listening to such enlighted powers. I felt in flash after
flash that I’d never been so high before, never so aware and never—at least not since a
long, long half-remembered time ago—so hopeful and happy.
A tremendous, peaceful and soothing joy pervaded every cell in my body.
All was serenity, ecstasy, revelation.
At last, I comprehended fully that the joy which possessed me was God.
Being dead was not a problem. I was happy to spend eternity in this state.
Delightful electrical forces surged through his body, the ecstatic flow.
Ecstatic energies pulsated up my arms and rocketed into my brain.
Ecstatic vision: for the first time in my life I literally saw “the world in a grain of sand.”
Extraordinary joy overcame me, a strong, a beautiful feeling of eternity and infinity.
He raved about the beauty. He laughed with joy. He saw it all.
He was in total rapture and later considered the vision a grace.
His features showed an unusual mixture of infantile bliss and mystical rapture.
His “trip” to another level of consciousness was “a pure delight.”
I became Cleopatra, sensuous, beautiful, experiencing orgasmic ecstasy (eyes closed).
I began to become aware of a growing euphoria; I was flooded with feelings of goodwill.
I cast off all restraint, leaped into the air, clapped my hands, and shouted for joy.
I experienced the euphoric effects of LSD, a celestial transformation of reality.
I felt ecstatic, saturated with delight, security, joy and especially a marvelous energy.
I felt like a surfer riding with great joy the wave of life.
I flowed in ecstasy.
I had a powerful experience of mystical rapture.
I had never felt this wonderful before.
I laughed with intense pleasure.
I lay on my back stunned, amazed and euphoric.
I saw what “a perfectly wonderful world” it all was and that there was a “central being.”
I was conscious of immense joy, incredible bliss.
I was filled with an indescribable sensation of joy, oneness and blissful security.
I was overwhelmed by the sheer bliss.
I was suffused with feelings of excitement and pleasure.
I was swept away by every conceivable variety of pleasurable emotion.
I watched in rapture, thinking there had never been such beauty.
In awe and rapture, I watched. (eyes closed)
It revealed to me deeps of rapture.
It was another world: magnificent, vibrant, joyous, dynamic.
It was not only bliss, it was also understanding.
It’s an experience of great beauty. I cried for joy.
Joy overflowed the mind and invaded the body.
My lungs were bursting with the joyful song of being.
My mind was floating blissfully.
Nothing material was mingled with this ecstasy; no terrestrial desire marred its purity.
She was experiencing ecstasy and transcendental bliss.
Subjects experienced religious exultation and sensations of being one with God.
The experience opened up into an experience of oceanic bliss.
The experience was so tremendously blissful and enlightening.
The exultation was pure and holy.
The joy of freedom and independence flowed through his veins like a strong potion.
The trip had been SO interesting and ecstatic.
The trip was full of life and joy.
Their beauty made me drunk with ecstasy.
There was a sense of buoyancy—an inexpressible joy.
There was joy in the wash of tears.
They discovered within themselves that universal river of ecstasy.
They laughed in ecstatic revelation.
We were in a trance of creativity and joy.
a euphoric state with its feeling of well-being, contentment, sociability, mental and
physical relaxation
a feeling of joy, gratitude, pleasure or onrush of grace at catching a glimpse of the
a more joyful, interesting and satisfactory way of being in the world, with a sense of
belonging, meaning, natural spirituality
a new type of consciousness, an expanded awareness stressing man’s commitment to
love, beauty, joy and truth
a religious experience, a feeling of oneness with God and the universe—the point at
which the individual is overcome with joy and good will
a sense of exultation, of immense joyness followed by an intellectual illumination
impossible to describe
a sense of unity or oneness with internal or external processes which can be ecstatic and
a tremendous surge of compassion and a powerful desire to share one’s rapture with
a whirling mass of light, brilliant color, movement and gaiety coupled with unutterable
a will to yield utterly to a wild, animalistic sensuality and emotional outpouring—an
all joyous color and sound and music and hope and maybe just the same old chips of
glass, beads, and morrows, but seen in a glorious new way
an ecstasy infinitely exceeding anything describable or anything I had imagined from
what the world’s accomplished mystics have struggled to describe
an ecstatic experience of an ascent into the celestial regions and the acquisition of
supernormal knowledge
an experience of ecstatic connection with nature, with the cosmic order, and with the
creative energy of the universe
an increasing sense of calmness which usually shifts into a mild to strong sense of
an indiscriminate, unsupervised, uncontrolled 2 billion year old energy dance with
ecstatic communion as its goal
an overwhelming and continuous, vibrating, sensuous, erotic-orgasmic feeling and
expression of ecstasy
aware that I was not myself, but a selfless, egoless, joyous representative of all humanity,
loving, searching and soaring into the infinite
awe, bliss, a sense certainty, feelings of extraordinary creative awareness or spiritual
beauty, fun, philosophic wonder, religious revelation, increased intelligence, mystical
romance, glamour, sexuality
ecstatic energy movement felt in the spine. This energy will be sensed as flowing
energy, fun, religious revelation, sexual enhancement, aesthetic kick, ecstasy, accelerated
enlightenment, full awareness of that blissful Reality whose attributes include
inconceivable wisdom, compassion, light, beauty, ecstasy, energy and gaiety
episodes of oceanic ecstasy with a mystical connection to life and to the cosmic creative
feeling that what is apprehended is holy, sacred or divine, feelings of blessedness, joy,
peace, happiness, etc.
feelings of joy, peace, love, blessedness. Such high-intensity emotion is far removed from
everyday experience.
Ginsberg the cosmic politician, the cosmic crusader, the social worker politician
explaining the sex-drug-freedom, ecstasy movement (Timothy Leary said that.)
gives the world a touch of freshness, novelty, cleanliness and joy associated with a sense
of triumph
great moments of rapture, bliss and ecstasy, flashes of beauty, love, sexual experience,
perfection, awe, aesthetic or creative wonder or insight
immediate contact through chemicals with the reality of “consciousness, energy and
in the very midst of those wonderful moments, beholding life for the first time in all it
young intoxication of loveliness, in its unspeakable joy, beauty and importance
inalienable rights, the freedom of the body, the pursuit of joy and the expansion of
intellectual and emotional adventure, sensory pleasure, enhanced awareness, self-
exploration, religious and mystical insight
intensification of color and sound, euphoria, sense of having discovered some great
into some strange land of unlikeliness, which can only be grasped in terms of
astonishment and mystery, as an ecstatic Nirvana
life an indiscriminate, unsupervised, uncontrolled 2 billion year old energy dance with
ecstatic communion as its goal
life’s infinitely rich responsibilities and our joyful responsibility to explore them (That’s
not about going to work, paying bills, etc.)
my ecstasy which heightened to behold the same rose-radiance lighting us up along our
immense journey
of surpassing beauty, glowing with color, bathed in intense light, buildings of
indescribable magnificence (eyes closed)
Osmond astonished and delighted by the range, boldness, flexibility and sheer
playfulness of Huxley’s splendid mind
produces an intellectual ecstasy and understanding that defies description—past
philosophical reading will take on living meaning
pure mind, mind in its natural state, limitless, undifferentiated, luminously blissful,
knowledgelessly understanding
said to himself, at that second, that for the infinite happiness he had felt that second really
might well be worth the whole of life
self-realization, freedom from inhibition, communal ecstasy, expanded awareness,
cleansed perception
staring with huge amazed eyes at his circus, returning to babble ecstatically about how
BIG it was and how he’d actually stood face to face with the true final IT
that self-discovery could be pleasant, that philosophy was fun, that science could be a
pagan love of life, that revelation way joyful, the positive spirit of the 1960’s
the characteristic property of hallucinogens, to suspend the boundaries between the
experiencing self and the outer world in an ecstatic, emotional experience
the conscious experience of unity behind the diversity of phenomena—said by sages and
mystics of all centuries to be the most blissful and uplifting of human experiences
the ecstatic experience of a mystical nature—the ultimate source from which the strength
of religion flows
the emotional reaction to the fragmentation of differentiated forms—to be engulfed in
ecstatic unity
the euphoria induced by the satisfaction of the senses raised to a degree he had never
before experienced
the message of the mushrooms which is the wordless, mindless rapture of the moment
(The magic mushrooms are psychedelic.)
the necessity for continuous spiritual growth which alone could lead to the joy of
fulfillment He had spoken of as heaven
the part that passion born of ecstasy has played in the early stages of most religious
the rapture of union, to snap out of the trance that sustains the illusion of our separation
from everything around us
the Rig Veda, the ancient Hindu text that spoke of the ecstatic visions obtainable from the
plant soma
the right to achieve euphoria, the right to get “high”, the right to experience new
sensations, the right to expand and change one’s consciousness
the unfathomable beauty and joy that was right there, all around, everywhere, just waiting
to be seen and appreciated.
the very highest form of Bliss, wherein he achieved the state of total identification with
all of reality
the white light of the void, the ecstatic union that comes from when you’re completely
turned-on, beyond the senses, beyond the body
this unique and most wonderful of experiences which transcends everything, even the
those delicious raptures of beauty and sublime revealing of truth which break upon the
mind under the influence of the drug
to experience more fully the bliss of pure being, just being present to my experience of
the moment
to experience the infinite joy of rediscovering the original and blissful state of Universal
to explore the infinity of inner space, to discover the terror and adventure and ecstasy that
lie within us all (The ego is what has terror.)
to restore the delights of the primal Paradise, to enable men, if they will, to inhabit a
world of joy and splendor
use drugs to intensify our ecstatic, sensual, emotional, intellectual and spiritual
visions of every kind of sexual encounter one can imagine and tremendous waves of lust
and rapture (visions with eyes closed, lust and rapture with eyes open or closed)
what all of us have always been, a part of the divine substance, a manifestation of love,
joy and peace, a being identified with the One Reality
a deep unconscious association between oceanic ecstasy and the experiences of natural
beauty, inspired artistic creations, spiritual feelings and highly satisfactory human
a 20th century version of a process that has been practiced through the millennia in
various temple mysteries, rites of passage, secret initiations and religious meetings of
ecstatic sects
being aware throughout most of this experience that I was not myself, but a selfless,
egoless, joyous representative of all humanity, loving, searching and soaring into the
exhilarated elation with unmotivated laughter, exuberant joy, deep feelings of peace,
serenity and relaxation, orgiastic ecstasy, hedonic pleasure, feelings of voluptuousness
and sensuality
freedom from the learned cultural mind, the freedom to expand one’s consciousness
beyond artificial cultural knowledge, to move from constant preoccupation with the
verbal game, the social games, the game of self, to the joyous unity of what exists beyond
orgiastic feelings of cosmic proportions, spiritual liberation and enlightenment, a sense of
ecstatic connection with all of creation and mystical union with the creative principle of
the universe
a bliss that exceeds description
a bliss which is nondual and eternal
a bliss which transcends both pleasure and pain
a blissful, undifferentiated, oceanic state of consciousness
a calm and blissful state
a calm rapture which is good for the heart
a cosmology not only united but also joyous
a dancing, joyous harmony of energy transactions
a divine ecstasy
a feeling of extreme well-being, exaltation, excitement and inner joyousness
a feeling of profound peace and joy
a feeling of unity of all energy, the ecstatic of all in one, all superficial differences gone
a field of wonders wherein I traveled in perfect ravishment
a harmony that ravishes the sense of sound
a joyful expression and celebration of life
a joyful knowledge, the joy of knowing
a joyous confidence
a life-changing joyous discovery
a love-ecstasy potion
a metaphysics of ecstasy
a non-game state of ecstasy
a period of profound elation as a result of my discoveries
a powerful influx of ecstatic energy
a profound ego-transcendent ecstasy
a profound transcendental experience of an ecstatic and integrative nature
a pure feeling of ecstatic harmony with all beings
a rapture which was enchanting me irresistibly
a realm of pure bliss and total liberation
a releaser of profound religious experience of an ecstatic and mystical nature
a sense of calmness and quiet joy
a sense of dreamy ecstasy
a sense of joy, peace and wonder
a single, eternal and harmonious energy—exuding a sense of joy and love
a spirit of gaiety and exuberance, light-heartedness and joy
a spiritual gaiety
a state of blissful merging and undifferentiated unity
a state of ecstasy of the greatest intensity
a state of exalted joy
a state of exhilaration, well-being and bliss
a state of moral exultation, an incredible feeling of elevation, elation and joyousness
a state of non-game ecstasy and deep revelation
a state of utter ineffable bliss
a transcendent world of Being, Knowledge and Bliss
a tremendous surge of bliss
an ecstasy of worship
an ecstatic conversion experience
an ecstatic dance
an ecstatic, floating, shimmering radiance
an ecstatic non-ego state
an ecstatic rapture not dissimilar to a sexual orgasm of cosmic proportions
an ecstatic rebirth, the resurrection of a new personality
an ecstatic revelation, going beyond, confronting God, getting out of your mind
an ecstatic state of non-ego
an ecstatically lit, undescribable landscape
an emotional ecstasy
an eternity of joy
an eternity of radiant knowledge, of bliss unchanging in its ultimate intensity
an experience of overwhelming cosmic ecstasy
an explosive, often ecstatic or prophetic revelation
an expression of Pure Being, an expression of the divine joy
an immense elation and freedom as the outlines of confining selfhood melt down
an indescribably joyous experience
an infinity of wordlessness, timelessness, love, ecstasy, bliss
an inner experience of the beauty and the joy of God
an intense immeasurable joy
an overwhelming, beautiful, blessed joy
an overwhelming flood of joy
an ultimate joy
an unforgettable delight and an educational influence
attaining joyous unity and rebirth
becoming one with the cosmic vibration-bliss
bliss and peace and understanding
bliss on the higher plane
blissful intelligent awareness
blissful passivity, ecstatic orgiastic undulating unity
blissful transcendent illumination
brain rapture
broader meanings and rapturous vibrations
calm joy, revelation
chemically triggered conversion experiences or ecstasies
colors bright and gay, the enormous intensification of color
complex experiential pattern of oceanic ecstasy
convulsive gaiety
cosmic ecstasy
cosmic joy
creative ecstasy
creative joy
dance of total joy
dazzling ecstatic insights
deep ecstasy
deep oceanic bliss
delight at the playful acrobatics of the free intellect
discovering the joyous delights of direct sensuality
ecstasies of cognitive emotion
ecstasies undreamed of
ecstasy in the form of mystical experience
ecstasy vision
ecstatic communication with your inner navigational computer
ecstatic energy
ecstatic energy vibrations pulsing through you
ecstatic experience
ecstatic experiences of the here and now
ecstatic exuberance
ecstatic feelings of timelessness
ecstatic freedom from all game involvements
ecstatic freedom of consciousness
ecstatic heaven states
ecstatic, insightful and educational
ecstatic kaleidoscopic patterns
ecstatic meaning
ecstatic merging with the unleashed energies
ecstatic rapture and feelings of overwhelming bliss
ecstatic rapture and heavenly bliss
ecstatic rapture, transcendental peace and serenity, a sense of cosmic unity
ecstatic renewal
ecstatic self-loss
ecstatic transcendence
ecstatic union
ecstatic visions
ecstatically euphoric
encounter with the divine, a powerful rapturous mystical state
endless pleasure
episodes of oceanic ecstasy, unitive cosmic feelings or a sense of overwhelming love
episodes of positive oceanic feelings and blissful unity
eternal bliss which no words can express
eternal ecstasy
eternal joy
euphoric relaxation
experiences a tension-free, oceanic ecstasy
experiences eternal bliss
experiencing that full force of grand joyousness
extreme pleasure, ecstasy, cosmic joy, paradise
feel the ecstatic energy vibrations pulsing through you
feeling so wonderful I did not know how to say it
feelings of cosmic bliss associated with undisturbed embryonal existence
feelings of ecstatic release
feelings of euphoria and philosophical insight
feelings of extraordinary calmness or ecstasy
feelings of indescribable bliss
feelings of joy, love, blessedness and peace inherent in mystical consciousness
feels blissfully united with the objects of the outer world and also with fellow humans
filled with a renewed sense of wonder and joy and adventure
flowing down the evolutionary river, the delight of flowing cosmic belongingness
fusion with the Absolute, generating bliss-consciousness
glorious sensations amounting to ecstasy
guide the impulses awakened by ecstasy into creative channels
had never dreamed that such heavenly bliss was available to mankind
have never known what fascination there is in the ecstasy of beauty
heaven of blissful visionary experience
heavenly happiness
her new acquaintance with joy
hours of overwhelming sexual ecstasy
in ecstasy as he whirled through the cosmos of his inner space
in speechless joy
ineffable and ecstatically religious
ineffable joy
inexpressible joy
infinite joy, transcendental joy
inner tranquility and bliss
intense joy
intense sexual arousal and orgastic feelings, ecstatic
internal exploration, ecstatic discovery
intoxicated with an ecstatic joy, a euphoric feeling
joy bursting from my heart
joy for the sake of joy
joy of overwhelming intensity
joyful uninhibitedness
joyous contemplation of the peace that was on its way
joyous harmony
joyous wonder
joys of a higher kind
lifted me to the heights in a wonderful fashion
living in timeless ecstasy
love and joy carrying you up into the peace of the Clear Light
luminous bliss
moments of ecstatic clarity, exuberance and wildest joy
music and love and beauty and serenity and fun and the seed of life
my soul thrilled with a strange and unlimited ecstasy
mystical ecstasy
mystical raptures
mystically rapturous
new dimensions of rapture
opens the mind to its glorious ecstatic depths
our dance of rapture
overflowing joy
overwhelmingly strong ecstatic feeling
passage up into the blissful light
peace and joy
peace and love and beauty and truth
perceptions too pleasurable to channel or even to comprehend
philosophic exultation accompanying new cortical discoveries
pleasurably stimulating our senses
profound ecstatic religious experience
profound serenity and joy
provides ecstatic moments which dwarf any personal or cultural game
pulsing waves of ecstatic sensations
pure awareness and ecstatic freedom from all game involvements (of the ego)
purely philosophical introspections, visual feasts, sensual raptures
radiant joy
rapture states
ravishes my soul
ravishing blessings, ecstasies, ineffable pleasure
ravishing delight
real rip-roaring fun
reawakened to the innate joy and playfulness that is also part of life
religious ecstasies
religious ecstasy, ecstatic religion
religious ecstasy, mystical ecstasy
religious rapture
reverent awe, ecstatic humility before such power and intelligence
saw visions of such beauty that he sobbed with joy
see rolling waves of colored forms whirling up, bouncing jolly
seething with delight and sensuality
sensations of unity and bliss
sensations of unutterable rapture
sensuous pleasure
sensuous rapture
serene ecstasy
sex a creative and joyous force
smiling her Buddha smile of mysterious bliss
soaring states of bliss, heightened spirituality, and a titanic sense of drama and surprise
spent hours in pure metaphysical joy
spinning far out of space-time into an ecstatic dance of neurons
spiritual bliss
spiritual ecstasy, religious revelation and union with God
spiritual eroticism, ecstatic exuberance, mystic altered states
spiritual liberty and transcendental happiness
spiritually rapturous
states of rapture, expanded awareness and light
such happy beauty
superhuman joy
supreme bliss
swims joyfully in the ocean of divine ecstasy
that enjoyment and perfection of union with God which is man’s true end
that glorious, blissful, shining consciousness, has seen Being itself
that if only men could see it they would go wild with joy
that mysterious point where pain turns into joy
that mystical intangible relation of delights
that peculiar state of joy and serenity
that state of blissful, energy-infused, intoxicated oneness
that the happiness of each and all of us is in the long run absolutely certain
that Universal Reality is pure consciousness which is experienced in perfect bliss
the absolute Being of which love, joy and peace are manifestations
the aimless splendor that fills the heavens in celebration of the joy of God
the art of turning sexual ecstasy into mystic mind-expansion
the bliss of immediate liberation
the bliss of mental tranquility
the bliss of the celestial realms
the bliss of this unexpected spiritual opening abounding in astonishing insights
the blissful egoless states a child experiences during the early period of its life
the blissful experience of self-transcendence
the divine nature, an expression of Pure Being, an expression of the divine joy
the dream world of visions, mind-expansion, self-awareness and mystical ecstasy
the ecstasy, elation and joy characteristic of such experiences
the ecstasy of a discoverer
the ecstasy of a supreme uplifting
the ecstasy of this union
the ecstatic death-and-rebirth experience
the ecstatic energy
the ecstatic experience
the ecstatic experience of a mystical nature
the ecstatic loss of self in drumming and dancing
the ecstatic process initiated by the consciousness-expanding drugs
the ecstatic radiance
the ecstatic sense of being one with divine truth
the ecstatic smile that welcomes a sudden insight, a revelation of truth or of beauty
the ecstatic state
the ecstatic vision
the energy of ecstasy
the erotic and delightful character of this new feeling for the world
the experience of total ecstasy
the feeling of ecstatic tenderness and fulfillment
the feeling of unusual sensory richness and intense joy
the flashing flow of ecstatic visions
the flooding of the whole being with indescribable bliss
the garden of ecstasy
the glorious rapture of music
the golden light of joy, the rosy light of love
the healing potential of unitive, ecstatic states
the heaven of ecstasy
the higher ecstasies
the holy-orgiastic-ecstasy-revelation-thread inside
the inward consciousness of the ecstatic
the intense feelings of exuberance, joyous aliveness and other gripping emotions
the intensification of sexual experience and the potentiation of sexual ecstasy by LSD
the intensity of the ecstasy
the joy of the heavenly realms
the joyous cosmology
the joyous mystery
the joys of being in harmony with the beat of life
the look of wild delight (on another person’s face)
the love-joy within
the message of the mushrooms which is the wordless, mindless rapture of the moment
the more relaxed, humorous and pleasurable spirituality of Asia
the most excited rapture
the most intense feelings of joy and illumination
the most wonderful field of mind which could be opened
the mystical vision, mystical ecstasy
the natural and uncontrived bliss of liberation
the new joy and vitality
the “oceanic ecstasy” of the cosmic union
the open-brain and its ecstatic possibilities
the opportunities for personal growth available through chemical ecstasy
the orgasmic dynamic of joy and rapture
the purification of that sublime ecstasy
the radiant bliss of at-one-ness
the radiant joy on his face
the rapture and contact with God
the raptures of the saints
the rare unexpected ecstasy and adventure of the psychedelic drug trip
the raw and vital energies released through ecstasy
the real truth and source of all human joy and happiness
the ride toward ecstasy
the Self discovered by the mystic in visionary raptures
the sense of mystical fusion, self-loss and bliss, mystical bliss
the serenest ecstasy
the soaring extraordinary light and bliss
the state of absolute bliss
the sublimity of delight
the supreme ecstasy of mystical union
the theme of return to a blissful original state in myth
the vision of the sacred achieved in ecstatic states
the visionary bliss of heaven
the visionary bliss of heaven, a heaven of blissful visionary experience
the whole mad ecstasy of loveliness, of joy, of importance, of intoxication of life
the world of supreme ecstasy
this ecstatic brain-opening experience
this ecstatic consciousness
this ecstatic voyage
this instant joy and relaxation
this rapture of music
this tender garden of divine bliss
this timeless bliss
this tremendous euphoria
this vision of rapture
this visionary world, fresh with a childlike wonder and joy
timeless ecstatic moments
to awaken to joy, light, bliss, universal understanding and higher consciousness
to experience his body in a delightful way
to experience intense touch-pleasure
to experience the ecstatic unitive states that have the greatest therapeutic potential
to find beauties in which the soul might wrap itself as in a garment of delight
to heighten ecstatic experience
to open herself to joy, peace, love and being
to reach ecstasy, to have the vision, to reach other worlds of your own cortex
to search for the Absolute, generating bliss-consciousness
to worlds of visionary bliss
transcendental bliss
transcendental joy
unbounded bliss
unimagined bliss
vast serenity, elated excitement
visionary ecstasies
visionary happpiness
visions of incomparable delight
weeping joyfully
when man is in tune with this blissful radiance
when reality is revealed and all hindrances to ecstatic bliss removed
wide eyed, innocent wonder and delight
wild ecstatic rapture that can be described as “volcanic ecstasy”
will enter into the blissful abode of noble wisdom
with sight that has been cleansed, finds joy in the whole world
wonderful and holy and free
I see now.